Quote Originally Posted by sycld View Post
Everyone undergoes REM sleep, so everyone dreams.

Most likely you just don't remember any of them when you wake up.

My two biggest nightmares I've been having are being forced to repeat high school with the kids I went to high school with or being influenced by my propensity for religious experiences to go back to Catholicism.

I've heard that some people have abstract dreams or dreams that deviate from their everyday lives and perhaps reflect more "primal" fears, such as ones about tidal waves or fighting off snakes or whatever. My dreams are mostly based on things from my life; perhaps they're so emotionally significant enough for me that I don't need anything more than them :/
I've had a couple dreams semi recently where certain kids I went to school with who picked on me are picking on me again, in school, but it usually ends up very violently lol.
I enjoy those dreams, but it irks me that it has obviously had some lasting effect on me.