I wrote this on facebook because it had a few of my friends in it. Names obviously mean nothing to you and it doesn't make a lot of sense because it was a fuckin' dream.

I dreamt that Francis, Tudor and I were supposed to be selling curry in Plascrug school hall to raise money for something. Just before our prospective customers were supposed to be arriving we decided to leave and go down to my estate. At this point Tudor promptly vanished and Francis and I bumped into a fictional woman and Huw.

Out of nowhere a crazed bloke appeared and drew a gun, requesting that we all freeze and focusing his attention on the woman. Mainly through telepathy a plan was formed to deal with this cretin. The woman, who was some distance away from myself and Francis but fairly close to Huw attracted the gunman's undivided attention by wailing and sobbing, the rest of us slowly moved away from him until he noticed. (it was reminiscent of 'What's the time Mr Wolf', the old primary school game)

Now that we were all spread out, he was in a poor position to cover all of us and had to turn his back on at least one of us at any given time. As he turned to face Huw, I whipped out my snub-nosed revolver and cocked it. The noise was amplified and unmistakeable, the gunman turned to me and held the gun behind my back. He knew I had it and I assumed he was about to make sure I was unable to use it. Holding it flat against my back I turned to the side and shot. As a reaction to the bullet hitting his leg he too fired, hi bullet grazing my back. He fell with a cry of anguish and raised his gun to take aim.

This time I was in a position to aim properly and the low calibre bullet found its target in the centre of his forehead.