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Thread: Dreams

  1. #241
    feel like funkin' it up gwahir's Avatar
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    two nights in a row i've dreamt that two of my gay friends got engaged and everyone's super excited for them, and then i've woken up had a moment of going "wait a minute, gays can't get married here" and then "oh yeah, also one of them committed suicide a year ago"

  2. #242
    =========== KT.'s Avatar
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  3. #243
    Band simonj's Avatar
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    I had a dream recently where I was at a train station and the train was delayed so we were just sat drinking coffee for a few hours. At one point we noticed a bunch of celebrities were also sat down waiting for a train. I went up to Tina Fey and Molly Shannon (the only two I remember being there) and told them I was a big fan of them both. Molly Shannon just stared blankly at me and said "I know". Then she laughed maniacally till I woke up.

    That's as close as I have had to a nightmare for years.
    Quote Originally Posted by KT. View Post
    simonj can be a real dick sometimes.
    Quote Originally Posted by gina View Post

  4. #244
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    I recently had a dream that was pretty interesting. it was the second dream in a sequence of three very bizarre dreams that i had in the period of one night. i remember them all fairly well but this one the best, but these dreams were weird in that i've never, ever had a dream like this. most of my dreams are usually a new variation of the same few "plots" my brain reuses (or whatever, im not an 'onironaut' or anything like that so bear with me) - and ALL of them take place in familiar settings, or places i've seen before (like in the dream i am in a church, but when i wake up and remember my surroundings it was clearly the campus of a college i don't go to but is in my city) . in one night i had three dreams, all with weirdass "plots", all in weirdass places that i've never seen before in my life. anyways.

    the one i remember most vividly, you might see why. it started kind of abruptly - i was walking on a sidewalk full of people... more like a catwalk. because it was in the sky, suspended under an interstate road or something like that. there were other interstate roads looping around, over and under, and then under those bridges and roads were catwalks full of people. so it basically looked like an interstate junction with all the loops and you know, all in the air, except chock full of people walking as well (i couldnt tell you if cars drove on the roads - i was under them). sort of some futuristic-ish feeling setting or something.

    anyways i'm walking when i see this guy on some sort of access catwalk, just him, walking above and to my side of the crowd i was following/walking with. i even remember him, overweight, long hair beard glasses and a backpack. and i then watch as he just climbs over the rail and hops to his death... wtf? but like, noone apparently noticed it, and i guess dream-me was like 'alright thats weird' but i kept walking. until another guy who looked different (but i forget how), who was walking on the crowded catwalk-sidewalk-road just turned and also jumped off to his death. this time though people noticed.

    i dont remember the next little sequence very well, but it seems like people weren't freaking out, just this time it had been noted by the public at large that someone had just killed themselves, and a police officer arrived who then asked me to come with him for questioning at the station. though i can't remember what happened, i found myself no longer in that catwalk highway but on what i can only describe best as "the street of an 80's sitcom neighborhood in Chicago at night" where we went what looked like an apartment building (i remember thinking that before dream-me realized it - a near-lucid thought?!), yet dream-me just followed this guy into the apartment building, and to what looked like a door to an apartment. he opened the door and we went in and this is where dream-me is like wait this is an empty apartment room? before the cop lunged at me and began attacking me. but like... he wasn't trying to kill me, he wasnt FIGHTING, it was like he was just insane or trying to maybe eat me. and he wasn't even using his gun.

    so we're more or less grappling, and fighting, and i manage to pull his gun out of his holster, and maneuver it towards his chest and blow a small hole through it. he flew back and landed, and got up and continued attacking. so i shot him again and again and he still kept coming, but his revolver ran out of ammo.

    that's when it hit me - zombie?! - and that's when i realized i had a gun (dream-me just always knew it was there i guess, there's no way my brain would leave me unprepared for a zombie) and pulled out my own revolver. and i shot him in the head, and he flew back and hit the ground. and then HE GOT UP AND KEPT ATTACKING ME. so i shot him again, and again, and ran out of ammo, and we started grappling, and that's when i woke up. like i had had enough and was like "time to bail!"


  5. #245
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    Quote Originally Posted by KT. View Post
    simonj can be a real dick sometimes.
    Quote Originally Posted by gina View Post

  6. #246
    i got colours WellAdjusted's Avatar
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    didn't even try
    Quote Originally Posted by simonj View Post
    I got bitten by a kitten once
    Quote Originally Posted by Satori_Everything View Post
    It hurts my brain.

  7. #247
    Senior Member Oats's Avatar
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    If you take the first letter from each of the main characters in Inception you can spell Dreams.

    Dominic, Robert, Eames, Arthur, Mal, Saito

  8. #248
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    If you take the first letter from each of the main characters in Inception you can spell Remsad.

    Robert, Eames, Mal, Saito, Arthur, Dominic
    Quote Originally Posted by KT. View Post
    simonj can be a real dick sometimes.
    Quote Originally Posted by gina View Post

  9. #249
    Mega Bore Atomic's Avatar
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    Last night I had a dream where there was a snake and I hit it with something and it chopped it's head off. Little snakes with large heads came out of it. I hit them and it killed them. You could tell they were dead because they went belly up. One didn't die so I hit it again and it went belly up.

  10. #250
    Senior Member ShitFace's Avatar
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    So yeah I had a vivid dream last night, albeit one of my most depressing dreams I've had in a long time (not to mention personal)...but fuck it I guess I'll share with you guys, that's what I made this thread for right?

    I can't remember how/where it started but I was with this girl who I had/have strong feelings for (attempting to get over... -.-).
    We were dating I guess, she was teaching people how to fly a jet. But then something happened, this guy started trying to kill her and the people she was working with. I was absolutely terrified I'd lose her. People around her were dropping like flies. I decided to do some investigating. After some snooping around, I found out who it was. She was also looking around, but only found some weird notes, signed by a weird symbol that I can only describe as 0____0.
    I went to the police, and he got arrested while I was there. He cut me with a knife in the struggle while he was arrested.
    He kept making threats to her so she was taken away into protective custody or something like that. As this is happening, I noticed this guy was struggling with the ropes he was tied up with. Just as he breaks free, I slit his throat and run to see if she is ok.
    Turns out she gave birth to a baby boy (at this point a little black kitten appears and starts climbing over my shoulders). She also figured out that the symbols were pointing to a hidden stash of cash. £1,000,000 to be precise. I find it behind a painting, as the notes suggested. We are both extremely happy and overjoyed.
    I wake up.
    Andy says:
    prince of persia is more skill than hack and slash
    ShitFace says:
    i dont think skill is a genre of game lol
    Andy says:
    of course it is you have seen the crystal maze havnt you?
    he says what next a skill physical mental?

    Blind people don't see black, they see the same thing you see out of your elbow - VengfulScars

  11. #251
    Senior Member ShitFace's Avatar
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    So last night I had one of the longest, and most vivd dreams in a while.

    I was back at university, in the city I went to uni I mean.
    Me and my mum were heading over to the university library (it was night time) except she wasn't acting like my mum, she was acting like she was my age and we were friends (normal friends, not mother/son friends), except she was acting mental, running all over the street, through the park, and she was throwing my bag around everywhere. When I tried to calm her down, she called me a loser lol. We went to get some food from a kebab van, I explained she had mental problems to the guy to make it seem normal lol.

    After this, the dream turned to me and 3 of my good school friends, they had come down to see me. Except we were argueing about something stupid, I ended up storming off after things started to get rather heated. After a while I returned, and everyone had cooled down and it was ok. We were chilling on this bench when this hot chinese girl came and sat with us. One of my friends started hitting on her pretty badly, it was funny to watch. She was obviously unnerved by it, and ended up leaving, and my friend was looking confused lol.
    We decide to go and sit with this group of people on a field near the university library. Turns out they have all kinds of drugs, except they are all in needle form. They start jabbing us with needles filled with god knows what. I tell them to knock it off, we only do what we know is in the needles. I end up getting in a discussion with the guy next to me, as he knows nothing about what drugs he has and I'm helping him identifying them. I remember one of them was PCP. I was only doing the THC needles lol. I look around and my friend Jon has just taken a hit from a pipe filled with smack, and I realise and ask him if I'm right as he passes out and he manages to confirm it was smack. I'm like oh jesus fucking christ, tell him to remember to breath, lie on his side incase he's sick etc...but I assume he will be ok. I briefly notice the guy sat next to Jon was some kid who used to pick on me in a previous school I went to, I call him out on this and I stand up, as does he. Turns out I tower over him now, and I push him backwards hard. He stumbles backwards, then comes at me. But I grab his arms and say "hey hey, I don't want to fight, I was just saying". He asks why I shoved him then, I say I don't know, it just happened. Everything is cool.

    Next thing I know, me and Jon ( who has now come out of his smack induced coma and has sobered up somewhat ) are in the fields outside the uni library, and we are munching down some mushrooms. What follows is an extremely realistic mushroom trip, which, in dream form, was very very bizarre. I don't remember too much of what happened in this section of the dream, apart from breaking into an office building. Well, less breaking, more of the hot chinese girl telling me she knew the code had some certain numbers in and then I tried all the combinations of those numbers, eventually getting us in. This made me a living legend among the group of people we were with apparently, as I remember leaving the building and people were cheering my name and hailing me as "that guy who got us in here!!".
    After tripping in this office building, coming down, and leaving, we were caught by some kind of security who instantly knew we were on drugs but weren't sure if it was us who got into the building, or how. They were questioning us, while making sure we were ok. I remember someone offering me an 'anti-suffocation pill' lol, which I declined saying "I'm not suffocating, just a little uneasy on my feet."
    The hot girl tells me shes going to sleep with some bouncer from a club, I suggest she sleep with me instead but she points out I can't get her in the club for free, so I admit defeat and say "maybe next term". She smiles and walks off.
    I start to walk off when some people run by shouting "POLICE ARE HERE!!". The police are closely behind the runners, I watch them chase him.

    Then I wake up.
    Andy says:
    prince of persia is more skill than hack and slash
    ShitFace says:
    i dont think skill is a genre of game lol
    Andy says:
    of course it is you have seen the crystal maze havnt you?
    he says what next a skill physical mental?

    Blind people don't see black, they see the same thing you see out of your elbow - VengfulScars

  12. #252
    mutton mutton's Avatar
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  13. #253
    Senior Member ShitFace's Avatar
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    Yeah, that was my reaction when I woke up.
    Andy says:
    prince of persia is more skill than hack and slash
    ShitFace says:
    i dont think skill is a genre of game lol
    Andy says:
    of course it is you have seen the crystal maze havnt you?
    he says what next a skill physical mental?

    Blind people don't see black, they see the same thing you see out of your elbow - VengfulScars

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