Quote Originally Posted by Satori_Everything View Post
Sometimes I use my hands. But if I grow my fingernails, I use something else like a blanket or pen or marker and rub or insert. Make sure it isn't facing the ink side. Or the bic ones in case it shatters inside> If my nails are too long I can wrap it in toilet paper but I have to either use enough and be careful that I don't rip a hole in the toilet paper. But my nails break on its own. I can also use a shirt or something to rub and then put it in my clothes to wash. I wash my markers off and pens off in case I use them. I wash my blanket and if I don't want to right away I can flip it over or turn it

Does anyone have any other ideas of new stuff I can do while ass masturbating?

My nails are kind of long now. But I don't like cutting them. So I let them break on their own.

I think fisting would be hard because I might break my nails. Plus I don't use objects that big.
Why don't you just get a dildo? You can get smaller ones if you rather your ass stay tight.