My last boss.

Our stores code of conduct was to offer the customer outstanding service, to always look like we're on top form and to offer them quick service.

I had a customer whom was requesting a discount code, all of which are in this huge folder, literally like 1000 pages and organized awfully) This folder is behind the counter, which she was stood behind. So on simply asking for a discount code (which she knew by heart) in front of my customer she snaps at me "how do we find out?" *sigh* "Looking in the book.." "Well then do it." So I spend 5 minutes finding this code, which she could have told me in 2 seconds, and finally got the customer sorted, they didn't look too pleased about the whole ordeal.

Now, at our store, we operated what was called "fearless feedback" This is the openness of speech to your colleagues and highers, to confront problems you might have with anything or anyone. I could only assume that it was fair for me to ask if I could speak to her, which she allowed. I said to her "I do not wish to question your management style, but when you interviewed me, I was told that we offer outstanding service, and get the customer through their service as quickly as possible. You could have very easily told me that code, and while I agree that it's good to work for myself and find the code, if you're right there, and it's obviously going to take forever to find, surely it'd be beneficial to the customer, and make our company look better when you're willing to help staff and customers.
To which she replied, "There are many people waiting for your job, if you don't like the way I work, then someone else certainly will." "Well then let them have my job, I can't work for a company where the managers are hypocritical to something they make such a huge point of pushing on the staff".

Needless to say I no longer work there, and Sharelle, if ever you read this, you are a cunt.