So we opened with a eulogy from Grimes at Dale's burial. It's pretty dumb, and it's interspersed with scenes of Darryl, Shane, Andrea, and T Dawg checking the fenceline and massacreing some zombies. In about five minutes, we'll be reminded that T Dawg still doesn't have a name. This is acceptable, I guess, since this is already a world fill with zombies (in which no one has ever seen a zombie movie), where the CDC is a self-destructing tactical nuke, and where bullets, gas, and product placement are infinite.

Anyways, the biggest takeway is that we're going to "do it Dale's way" from here on out (no need to explain how dumb that is.) Shane still isn't happy with Grimes' leadership and Grimes keeps telling him to shove it, so they've decided to move everyone into the house, set up sentries, and ditch Randall further away. I don't really get the point of all that; 18 miles, an hour, what the fuck does it matter? Just shoot him, he's bleeding all over the place anyways.

Carl confesses that he saw the walker and returns Darryl's gun to Shane while he is loading up the trunk with some 2x8s (seriously how much gas is there on this farm?)

Then Shane nails some boards to the metal windmill while talking to Lori. Between Randall's magic healing legs and Shane's magic multi-material construction talents, this group is bound for great things. Now we learn a little more about how Lori and Shane started banging in the woods while Rick was laid up in the Zombie Hospital. Lori thanks Shane for taking care of her and apologizes for whoring about with him, then walks away.

They start moving into the the house, and Hershel offers his bed to the Grimes family, but Lori, declines, and then T Dawg provides the comic relief (because he's black.) Maggie offers to have Glen move into her room, but he gets cold feet because her dad is in the house, despite the fact that he already received Hershel's blessing to bang Maggie at will.

Cut to... The world's most hilarious Mad Men ad ever. Comparing an excellent show like Mad Men to a horribad show like The Walking Dumb is just ridiculous; they reduced Mad Men to its most pathetic and superficial aspects (lots of sex! drinking like Hershel used to! Vom.)

After the break, we come back to a few dumb scenes. Shane tells Carl's secret confession to Grimes, who hands the gun back to Carl a few minutes later (seriously, Darryl is going to notice Carl's shiny new gun looks a LOT like his old gun, guys.) Glen and Andrea go all sappy Dale-memory while they fix the Winnebago. Apparently all you need to fix a Winnebago is some misty eyes and a flathead screwdriver.