Shane checks his handcuffs, see's him all bloody, and then we cut to Darryl receiving Dale's old pistol and wondering "where the hell" his gun went. T Dawg, errand boy supreme, walks to the barn to get Randall for the dropoff, and realizes he is missing.

Cut to: Shane marching him through the woods. Shane reveals that he's leaving the group, asking Randall to lead him to his group. The walk a few steps further, and then, behind a tree, we hear some shuffling. Shane walks back into sight, and then runs himself face-first into a tree. He returns to camp, rouses the group to follow him with some bullshit story that Randall punched him in the face and stole his gun. They fan out to find Randall, though Daryl is already skeptical of Shane's stories.

Expert tracker Kate from Lost Darryl can't track him in the woods. Commercial break.