I saw the first Twilight with an old ex-girlfriend a long time ago, just a friend thing y'know. We played Mystery Science Theater 3000 the entire movie. And she loved the books.

I'm a pretty cynical movie watcher though, there's few movies I've seen in theaters that I thought were awesome. I was too high for Pineapple Express to know what was going on, but liked it anyways. Superbad was fucking hilarious the first two times I saw it. Dark Knight was awesome.

If you can't tell, I don't see movies much(just wait for netflix), but after I saw the terribleness of "The Sitter" I needed a theater quality experience to cleanse my mind. Hunger Games was not it.

I wish I had seen The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo", I've seen the Swedish version, and loved it. Also loved the books.

Maybe the Hunger Games series(whatever the books are called) are pretty good, the movie was terrible, in my way too high of standards, or something.