with the recent laughably terrible finale of House (i stopped watching a season ago and just tuned back in for the finale), i'm wondering what are some of your favourite TV finales ever.
my absolute favourite is probably Angel, which just somehow manages to be pitch-perfect from start to finish, and strongly thematically representative of what the whole show was saying since way back when. it's a sad story about it missing out on a season six renewal, but i can't imagine a show ending more perfectly.
i tend to find more to like about finales than dislike, even controversial ones like BSG and Lost. you have to really screw the pooch like House did for me to come down hard on a finale, but to do that, pretty much everything that once made the show good has to be gone for the creative team to birth such a hilarious failure.
i also really liked the Justice League Unlimited finale, even though they blew most of their best stuff the year before when they actually thought it was ending.
honourable mention to the season three finale of Community that just aired last week, which would have been a beautiful series finale if not for the (joyous!) news of a season 4 renewal. however it might be seen in the future as the swan song of "dan harmon's Community", but that's another topic.