Quote Originally Posted by simonj View Post
In the end though, it will most likely be Hurley.
I want some credit for this. I motherfucking called it.

The ending was for the most part really enjoyable up until the last 10 or 15 mintes where it turned to utter bullshit. As soon as Christian Shepherd appeared I knew it was done for and, what do you know, I was right.

Also, too often it felt like I was watching a clip-show with all the strings-over-flashbacks sequences. I understand they were important scenes but they could have been a little less cliche. As could several shitty lines of dialogue.

A big finale to a series like LOST should leave you feeling like you've watched a television masterpiece. Instead I felt like I'd been hacked around for too long by people who's big ideas weren't as substantial as they clearly thought they were.