At a neighborhood ball, 
Elizabeth, Darcy, and Bingley come upon unmentionables feeding on some slaughtered servants. Says Mr. D: 
''I don't suppose...that you would give me the honour of dispensing of this unhappy business alone. I should never forgive myself if your gown were soiled.'' Miss Bennet 
replies, ''The honour is all yours, Mr. Darcy.''

As Mr. G-S says, Mr. D ''cut the two zombies with 
savage yet dignified movements. He then made quick work of beheading the slaughtered staff, upon which 
 Mr. Bingley politely vomited into his hands.'' O happy world — even though, in the end, ''the dead continued to claw their way through crypt and coffin alike, feasting 
on British brains.'',,20267705,00.html

I'm pretty excited about reading about love, life, and slaughtering hordes of the undead by the upper class in 19th century Britain.