I just watched the Spirit last night. It was, in my eyes, Sin City Lite, or Diet Sin City, if you prefer. It had the same sort of stylistic execution, except I wasn't actually impressed this time - it seemed like they went out of their way to incorporate surrealism rather than use the mix of colour/black and white to enhance aspects of the image or provide a sense of symbolism. It was visual wankery for the sake of visual wankery. The plot was asinine, boring and well-trodden already, the dialogue was clunky and strange to the point where even Samuel L Jackson couldn't save the sheer retardness of his liens and character motivations and the values being pushed (like the nurse who will always be in love with the Spirit, even though he is constantly macking on every other girl in the movie all the time) are... peculiar, to say the least. Overall, as much as I enjoy the visual smorgasbords that this guy's put out in the past (Sin City, 300), this one fell a little flat. It was pretty, but it could easily have been better, and that visual appeal in no way could combat the sheer stupidity of the story itself, and the story's execution.