I've seen a good amount of Comedy movies lately.

The Hangover (saw it today, it was funny, not great but funny)
40 Year Old Virgin -- hilarious
Knocked Up -- hilarious
Zack and Miri -- very funny, but the more times I watch the more of a cheesy love story it becomes
Super Troopers -- hilarious
Harold and Kumar 1 + 2 -- hilarious and very funny
Anchorman - classic
Borat - outrageous
Napoleon Dynomite - its for specific people
Superbad - classic
Wedding Crashers - very funny, sometimes hilarious haha
Zoolander - hilarious
Hot Rod - soon to be classic
Half Baked - classic
Step Brothers - hilarious
Tropic Thunder - very funny great opening intro

I'm pretty sure you'd enjoy all of the movies I listed