Quote Originally Posted by TheOriginalGrumpySpy View Post
Many hail this as the new LOST. In fact, the producers even remark the similarities. The creator forsees this being a 5 season show.

Anyway, did anyone catch this? It seems like it was trying to be too big for its own good. It threw too many mysteries at us to keep us engaged, but it didn't need to.

I dunno, I'll keep watching.
Really? You're the world's biggest LOST fan and your critiquing Flash Forward for throwing too many mysteries at us?

I felt it handled that very well. There's enough in there to keep us going, not too much. The bigger, the better, as far as I'm concerned. I'm bored of shows that take a huge worldwide event and make it all about one guy or one family.

Quote Originally Posted by TheOriginalGrumpySpy View Post
(It's already leaning towards destiny in the first episode).
Not necessarily. I imagine it'll be a lot of "now that you know the future, you can change it"... but keep in mind that that's not exactly free will. I think the visions they got were of what the future would be like if they didn't get the visions.

EDIT: Except Mark's is hard to fit to that. Hmm.