I was at the book store the other day and just randomly reading the blurbs of books that looked interesting and came across The Fuck-Up. I just have to say, I have never laughed so hard during a read and I have even read Christopher Moore books. This book is a great balance between dry humor, awkward situations and spastic characters which, thrown together, is just fucking amazing. Here are a few of the great lines I've stumbled across.

"Have I spent my whole life confusing love with a series of erections?"

"I am basking in loathing and self pity.Can we rebuild my life tomorrow?"

"I hate being lied to, but Yuletide deception is a new low."

"The economy today either sentences you to live with a quirky roommate, or encourages you to find a lover."

I can't believer I haven't heard of this author before. I highly recommend him so chop chop! Go out and get his book!