atmosfear's quibble about the zombie movement in the first episode is stupid but everything else he's said is dead on -- the show does have a lot more action than character drama but sometimes it's nice to have an action-driven drama that still delivers on the drama (unlike 99% of action-driven shows/movies ever) as opposed to something more dry like mad men. which, it goes without saying, is also amazing.

i'm four episodes in, and haven't found myself really getting invested in any character in particular (although i am very fond of dale, mostly because he reminds me of my friend's dad), but having said that, the conversation between the two sisters on the boat, and subsequent death of amy, was CLASSIC whedon storytelling done as artfully as anything joss ever did. i'm surprised i didn't see it coming until too late. the drama:action ratio means the character development and the development of dramatic situations is taking longer than on most shows but i'm still hooked. and at least it's moving faster than lost did... although i think lost had a far bigger cast of regulars, so i'm not sure why it's so much harder for me to learn these characters' names and care about them then it was for locke, hurley, charlie, etc. i suppose, for one thing, this show just isn't funny.

interesting credit observations: bear mcreary is the composer (he did the excellent BSG reboot music) and david boyd is the DP (he did phenomenal work on firefly and i believe worked on deadwood as well).