Quote Originally Posted by gina View Post
Bette Midler's character and Sarah Jessica Parker's face freaked me out too much.
That's fair. When I went to go see it in theaters I got scared when they were sucking the kids' souls out, because I was afraid it would happen to me. I was also afraid when I was a kid when the blockhead boys (or whatever they were called) tried to melt Gumby, because I was afraid it would happen to me.

That could be a whole new thread: Dumb things you were afraid of when you were a kid

Also, I walked out of A Vampire in Brooklyn. I wanted to see it because it had Eddie Murphy in it, so I bugged the crap out of my mom until she took me. She warned me it was going to be scary, but I didn't believe her. I mean, I was a big tough 9 year old, I weren't never scared. That is until I was scared.