I've always been naturally skinny. I've never weighed much more than 9 stone. I think I'm about 8 now but I'll probably be under that within a couple of months. I don't really do anything to stay in shape, I eat lot's of unhealthy snack food but I'm also a good cook so I'm not too bad nutrition-wise.

I walk all the time as well. I try and walk home from college (about an hour and a half's walk) at least a couple of times a month. While I'm relatively healthy and in shape I'm completely unfit in terms of strength. I've been thinking about buying some dumbbells soon that I can just use now and then in my spare time. When I move out later this year/early next year I'm also going to get a cheap exercise bike.

I'm not a health nut though, by any means. I enjoy chocolate and cookies and soda and coffee far too much to ever be able to do that stuff seriously.

EDIT: Oh, and I'm 5'9 to put the weight into perspective.