I have an ideal meal plan for every day of the week:

breakfast: cottage cheese, canned peaches(in water)
lunch: sandwich on whole wheat bread and a bunch of carrots
dinner: broiled chicken and vegetables

So that is what I would like to eat every day. My breakfast is usually consistent, I'll usually substitute the sandwich for some other sort of carbs though, and the dinner is pretty consistent too. I didn't originally intend to do it like this and this is my diet for losing weight, not maintaining, so in a few months or whatever I imagine this will be changing a bit. At my prime with this diet while I was running I was losing 2-3 pounds per week.

Truthfully though, I cheat a lot. I'm smart about it though, I cut calories out if I need to and I've learned to portion everything so I never eat too much. If you add up all the calories from my ideal plan it only comes to around 1200 calories so I have a lot of wiggle room.