What I mean to say is: I don't have access to a gym anymore here, and it hurts, so I am looking for alternative ways to stay active. If I really wanted to, I could head into town and pick up some dumbbells to workout with, but I have no real idea of what to do.

For the record, my experience in the gym was primarily on the cardio machines. I would walk/jog/run/jog/walk for 20-30 minutes, bike for 15 and row for 20, which I did about three times a week. Since moving out to the country, my only real exercise has been walking home from the worksite, which is about 45 minutes over some seriously hilly terrain. I would go running, but it's flippin' cold out and I don't want to go running on a highway with ice around and that is quite literally my only real option.

I want to start building up my core strength and make my arms stronger, but I don't have too too much to work with. I do pull-ups while at work randomly, which has been nice, but I'm looking for some more either bodyweight exercises, or dumbbell routines that would help convert this flab into something a little more usable.