Quote Originally Posted by Mr. E View Post
I hate cutting more than anything in the world. I'm chilling at 258, down from 282 at the end of my bulking cycle. I lost the weight pretty fast, so I am kind of worried. I need to get my body fat checked soon.
you've probably been asked this about 3,000 times but how tall are you? My guess is 6'6, if that's right though then I'll assume the fact was hiding in my subconscious. If it's wrong, sue me
Quote Originally Posted by MalReynolds View Post
I want to get to 178. My lowest was 202. I'm back up to around 225, which saddens me, but is not unexpected. I've stopped working out as much, I don't eat as well.

So, for now, I'll set my goal to 215, and go from there. Baby steps.
You can do it, you've been there before, just take it easy

I never posted my goal weight... originally my goal was 200. A while back I changed that to 180, and now that I'll be staring that in the face in a few months I'm thinking 170 or 160. This is all guess-work though, I don't now if it's possible for me to get that low (I'm 6 feet even with a relatively large frame). We'll see. I wan't to get super skinny for a little while at least, on healthy terms obviously, and then from there evaluate what is right for me and what I can maintain.

edit: and for the record my start weight was 300 and I'm currently 195