What you should do is develop a good weight routine. That's key to weight loss and keeping it off. Cardio can help burn off some calories quick, but when you stop doing cardio, you'll start gaining weight back just as fast. Add muscle to speed up your metabolism. Strength training has many benefits.

The most crucial part to seeing results will be the diet though. Being in college, you are going to have to use some common sense and judgement. Stay away from the fried foods, and other sugary junk food. Start eating salads instead of french fries, use light dressing. Most colleges offer a vegetarian alternative, you may want to look into that. While I advocate eating red meat, chances are your college won't regularly offer an 8 oz piece to you. The veggie diet will take away the fried chicken and hot dogs and burgers your college does offer and give you something in return (fish, tofo, something...). I'd also emphasize drinking water, and lots of it. Cut out the soda/pop & juices, and just drink water. For more than the filling reason, a sufficiently large water intake will help you lose weight.