Don't underestimate cardio for keeping weight off. If you keep a cardio routine going long enough your body will adjust and start burning more calories throughout the day in preparation for the upcoming cardio. Of course, this also means you will eventually plateau if you don't regularly increase your intensity, but just so long as you can do that it should continue to yield results. When I lost all my weight I didn't even start weight training until I was already down 150 pounds.

I do agree with Tekk on most of his diet points though. I cut out flavored beverages and it had an immediate effect on everything. Burgers aren't that bad for you all things considered, especially if you eat them at some point before you do your daily workout. Hot dogs and fried foods are no-nos, but don't expect yourself to quit cold turkey either. Transforming your body is a slow process. It is important not to get discouraged and to not deny yourself either. Giving in to an indulgence every now and then is better than ignoring them until you can't take it any more and gorging.

One more thing. Since you are in college, don't drink beer. Liquor is not good for your metabolism either, but it doesn't come with all the empty carbs that beer does. So, if you wanna party, do it with liquor.