Quote Originally Posted by Mr. E View Post
Well, it depends on your body type whether training to failure will benefit you or not. I train to failure twice a week and it suits me just fine.
I guess I'm a little biased, because everyone I've ever seen training to muscular failure is doing it wrong and hurting themselves. You really have to be incredibly careful doing it, and if you fuck up even a little bit you can severely injure yourself. I won't disagree with you because you know your body better than I do, but I have never seen a case where training to muscular failure benefited someone more than doing a regular routine.

@The OP: If you are only training 3 times a week and training to muscular failure every time, you are not helping yourself. It's important to work every muscle, not just the ones you think need work. I lift six times a week, with one day of rest and it is far more beneficial. Also, make sure you are lifting the right weights for your muscles. You shouldn't be completely blowing out your muscles every time you work out. You won't progress this way. Read up on more routines and tr to find one that fits your needs as best as possible, because it sounds like the one you have now doesn't. If you'd like recommendations on good weight gaining routines, PM me. I have a few.