Its a waste of time, IMO.

True 'cross-fit' is done in a set up gym, done in groups for competition and pushing each other, so start looking locally for a gym that has it set up.

Official Website:

I will say this though: CrossFit-ers are decently athletic, pretty well rounded, but definitely not great at anything.

Also, the majority of the CrossFit-ers I've met are ego-maniacs. Its one of the many critics of the system.

Its principles are based off of a system called 'Tabata' which is actually worthwhile, again IMO. I would skip the crossfit and just do Tabata personally. This can be done right in any gym, no special requirements. While tabata is traditionally seen as a fat loss system, it will make you strong in other ways, like cardiovascular strength. And I'll bet you can still curl the maximum you were doing before, but be able to do it 10 times instead of 4.