Hello there, so my goal is to drop about 20 pounds in a little less than a month and a half this year. The reason being is for wrestling. I'm 17, 5'8 and 155 pounds right now. Everyone's told me that unless you plan on exercising the rest of your life (which I do) then you'll gain the weight back doubly if you lose it too rapidly. Is this true? I'm a pretty good runner and what I've been doing for the past week is eating around... 1000 calories which is a little less than normal but it's entirely from healthy foods like fruits and such. Then I also burn 1000 calories or more doing something like running and then after that, burning more with upper body workouts. Is this unhealthy ? I can't see it as detrimental because I am building muscle as well as losing fat. Basically, is it the same as starving yourself if you burn all that you eat?