Welcome to the Casual Discourse.
A place for funny, sexy, unique people and their funny, sexy, unique discourse.
Weird, Twisted and Funny news from all over the internets. Yes, that's definitely what "WTF" stands for.
Consult CD for advice or let us help you with a problem, anonymously if desired. Strictly no flaming.
Hilarious videos. Epic montages. Repetitive e-humor. It's all here.
This forum is probably filled with image macros and lolcats. Regardless, it's guaranteed to be fairly entertaining. (NO NSFW MATERIAL)
Fancy yourself a clever individual? This is the place to debate politics, philosophy, science, and whatever else you want.
If you can eat it, cook it or drink it, it belongs in here.
Video games are not a sport.
Elitist technology geeks, this is your home. Confused noobs, go back to Google.
Don't subject everyone else to your nerdy obsessions.
Shop smart, shop S-Mart.
Product samples and other useless free stuff.
Movies, TV, books, etc.
If you're going to do any of that artsy fagsy shit, put it here.
Music discussion goes here.
Because a garage costs too much.
Hunting, fishing, guns, and other redneck shit.
Here is where you bitch.
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