Free "Motor Fuel Ripoff Notice" Sticker

Free! Hot Fuel Sticker
Get your own Oilwatchdog 'Hot Fuel Ripoff sticker: Don't let ExxonMobil's mealymouthed pump sticker (below) be the last word! Put Oilwatchdog's sticker on your car or anywhere it will be seen by many. Not, of course, on gas pumps, which could be construed as posting without permission.

Our chances of fixing the "hot fuel" ripoff are improving. We've got a bill in the Senate to fix the "hot fuel" ripoff nationwide, for good. Sen. Claire McCaskill's S.1997, the FAIR Fuel bill, is also pushing regulators to allow you the same deal at the pump as wholesalers and most retailers: temperature-adjusted gasoline.

How hot is it in your neck of the woods? In triple-digit Arizona, a study is finding gasoline temperatures well over 100 degrees. You lose on any fuel over 60 degrees, up to a dime a gallon.

And here's a way to help fix it, for free and for fun: a new trickster-style Hot Fuel Ripoff Warning sticker. It's yours just by filling out the form below. At the bottom of this page, you can also send a free fax in support of the Senate bill. Help spread the word.

Scroll to the bottom of this page to learn more about the 'Hot Fuel Ripoff.'

Fill out the form below and we'll mail it to you right away.

