Alright, sorry it took a while (been distracted by the old republic lol) but here's my verdict and some screenshots.

Yeah, this game is awesome. The citys are a bit smaller than I expected, but the missions are good fun, it has a good story, and there seems to be multiple different ways of getting to an objective..I'm constantly finding vents I could have come in by instead of the way I did come in.
The graphics aren't top of the line, although they do look very nice for the machines/augmentations on people. I kind of like the graphics not being top of the line though, almost gives it a retro feel lol.

The combat in the game is great fun, taking cover can be a bit of a hassle sometimes, but once you got the hang of it it's great. Also Adam becomes great at moving from cover to cover and not being detected, which comes in handy as you can imagine. Takedowns and punching through walls are also immensely satisfying.

I won't spam this thread with screenshots, but here's a link to my steam page which has the screenies on it.