The first game system I had was an Atari 2600. You didn't really beat the games in as much as you would try to get a high score. Once you figured out the pattern on pacman you could play it until the cows came home. On Video Pinball I could play one ball and then when I lost it it would calculate score. I could literally lose the ball then go in the kitchen make a sandwich, pour myself some coke then back to the room and finish eating while watching the score flip time and time again.

The first one I beat was on the Nintendo. Legend of Zelda, you might have heard of it. I didn't have a Nintendo at the time, I would play it at my cousins house. We would think of nothing else but that game. Looking at maps, figuring out the tendency of the bosses.

Once my parents got me one I beat Supermario Bros the first day. The video store was down the road from my house and I'd rent game after game and beat them one after the other.