Necro. Seriously, I stopped playing after I posted this thread. Once you don't need to go to towns it removes all purpose to the game. The bad performance on my computer really didn't help either. Sure, my computer isn't the best around but BF3 works fine enough, yet ARMAII lags at all times on low.

Also, all other players on that game are dickheads. One either finds a friendly (which requires quick typing because voice chat doesn't work very well at all) and then that friend is an idiot who ends up getting one swarmed with zombies because they don't know how to prone and sneak or they just instantly shoot at you. So I avoided other players altogether. What's the point in playing a multiplayer game if nobody wants to play together? The servers would also go down every hour or so, when I was playing. I'm not sure what caused that.

So when I finally had enough of DayZ I thought I might just take up playing ARMA II: Operation Arrowhead, seeing as I had supposedly paid for this whole game. Problem with that is that it's so buggy that it crashed every twenty minutes to half an hour even though DayZ never crashed in the time I played it. Ended up deleting the whole thing altogether.