NBA Live Mobile players can acquire Lebron James 95 OVR when they complete the King James set with items obtained from other sets and events.

NBA Live Mobile Season 2 may have wiped out the better part of players' collections but it adds lots of new cards that are waiting to be obtained. One of these cards is Lebron James 95 OVR. The card has 87 inside shooting, 86 defense, 83 playmaking, 89 outside shooting, 86 rebounding, and 90 athleticism. Some of the best secondary stats are 93 dunking and 91 dribbling. The position is small forward. The two abilities are +5 DKR to team and the clutch ability. The same two are available as bench boosts. There is only one way to acquire this card. The King James set must be completed. The card cannot be bought and sold at the auction house. Same as in NBA Live 18 which can't be bought and sold. So are you interested in this topic, leave a comment if you do thanks