I rented it this week over my Thanksgiving break and the word "meh" describes the experience. I didn't get a chance to play online but the single player was just average in my opinion.

The later levels presented a great challenge I will admit, and the gunship level was fun. However, this game just didn't do it for me.

I don't think the level quality was as good as Modern Warfare. It always seemed like I'd get hung up on invisible walls or get stuck on a rock or not be able to jump on a box that I should have been able to jump on. Little things like that in the level design just seemed to add up and made Modern Warfare seem all the better.

Graphically it's amazing and the grittiness is fantastic. Really gruesome.

If I had to give it a score, I'd give it a 7.5/10. It's not a bad game, but it wasn't as fresh and exciting as Modern Warfare was for me. I'm looking forward to Infinaty Wards next installment.