I picked up WOTLK opening night and so far I'm pretty happy with it. Minus the music in some of the regions (yes i play with game sounds not music) It has a very similar old wow feel. I like the quests, and the landscapes along with alot of the changes.

The DK quest line was pretty cool, all thought I thought the end event was kind of lame. It annoys me when I see DK's 2-3 levels past me when I started at 70, but hell I haven't played much so far due to college so I cant be to upset I didn't devote my weekend to the game.

Generally people are fucking retarded. I for one have not had to ask once where a quest mod was or how to finish a quest. Even more so now that I have a mod that points me in the direction I should be going(very freaking helpful) I just ignore the idiocy of general chat. If someone does ask me how to do a quest, I often tell them the completely opposite just for lulz. It's amusing when they whisper me a few minutes later bitching that I sent them in the wrong direction.