Keeping in line with a theme of threads here, I want to ask you guys what games did you get not expecting too much from, but they ended up totally blowing you away with how good they were?

Final Fantasy 7 is the first and foremost for me. I never knew much about the FF games, I remember seeing a trailer for it and thinking that it looks nice. It wasn't until 2001 that I actually played it, a friend gave me a loan of it, FF9 was just out and we were talking about it, one dude said that he had it and it was awesome, so my friend offered me FF7 to try out to see if I like the games. Another friend said it was terrible, so I wasn't sure what to expect. It was the first RPG I had ever played.

FF7 was the greatest gaming journey I have ever had, it completely changed my view on what games could be, I'll never forget my first playthrough when Aries died, I didn't cry but I had to turn off my console in pure and utter shock, the state of shock lasted for days. The world got alot bluer, I couldn't enjoy myself, I know it sounds silly taking a few days to get over the death of a video game character lol, but the game just draws you in and makes you care about them.

Shadow of the Colossus was another one. Wasn't expecting great things from it but it become one of the best games I have ever played. And I need to go now so I can't complete this post, but I'll leave the floor open for you guys.