So for Christmas my grandparents bought our family a Wii. Of course the first thing my parents bought for it was Wii Fit. Now, I am a lazy bastard. I rarely go outside for exercise and spend most of my time sitting at my desk eating food that will probably kill me someday. Surprisingly I've never gone over 200lbs and I tend to stay in the low to mid 190s. I started Wii Fit 2 weeks ago and set a goal to lose 5 lbs in a month.

I've already lost 2 lbs (down to just below 188) and my Wii Fit age has gone from 35 the first time to 25 now (I'm 23) though my BMI is still overweight but whatever. The best thing is I've only 'played' it 3 times. The first time right after Christmas, the second time 6 days later, and today, another 6 days later. I've never spent more than 20 minutes doing any of the exercises, usually 10-15 and most of that was doing the Yoga poses. I gotta say, if it keeps working like it is, the Wii Fit is amazing.

Anybody else use the Wii Fit for what it's actually designed for?