So, the iPhone has made it's way into the deepest levels of our culture, and we continue to suckle ever so gently at Steve Jobs' ginormous cock while paying him to do so. Ever since the release of the App store last year, the iPhone has been touted as "the handheld gaming system killer". While it is still far from that, there are some wonderful games out there for the iPhone.

I suggest that we come up with a good list of games for the iPhone here. We will eventually create a thread with the best games, so it can become the definitive iPhone/iPod Touch newbie's guide to handheld video gaming.

I humbly request that faggotry and debate over the platform itself be kept out of this thread. Instead we will discuss what games are out there, and why we like them, or why they are utter shit.

If you can, add prices & whatnot