Quote Originally Posted by SneeBeezums View Post
I'm fired up about Killzone 2. Early reviews are pretty positive. Any negatives they seem like they are things that can be patched. And I disagree, I think this is a game that will make it worth owning a PS3 in the distance a future. A price drop is bound to come soon and Killzone's online is sounding very promising. As long as the servers hold up, it should be great.

I hope Dead Rising: Chop till you Drop is a good port to the Wii. I need good games for my Wii to make it seem like a justified purchase.

I played a Fear 2 demo on the PS3 and hated the controls. Hopefully the full game will allow for customization of the controls because it seemed like a fun game.
Yeah the multiplayer does look promising, it's been awhile since a game has kept me hooked like that (Halo 1&2).

Q3 Arena was also addictive. God I can't wait to be a nerd again and just sit inside and play video games all day.

edit: I own the Dark Knight, and the imax shots were nice, but I honestly don't notice a difference between 1080i and 1080p; plus they're more expensive.