Quote Originally Posted by ephekt View Post
SF4 is the only one I care about, and even that looks mediocre. I'm hoping it will at least be as good as HD Remix...

Little Big Planet, Siren and MGS4 do though imo. I bought my PS3 for BluRay first and foremost but will be replacing it with one of the upcoming Denon, H/K or Oppo boxes for proper bit streaming and a few other features the PS3 lacks.

Also, I refuse to buy another 360 after going through 3 in 3 years when I really only played one game on it.
You can't tell the difference between a 480p upconvert and native 1080p? Unless your TV is like 32" or you need glasses or something I find that hard to believe.
I said 1080i, 480p is not 1080i.