Found a glitch online:

I was using the shotgun, as I literally kept running into the other team, and have my sensitivity low because I hate overshooting distant targets, so I was only getting one shot off, so I switched to the shotgun from the SMG.

When I pulled it up to aim, the flashlight came on, like it usually does, but it tracked the target, ALA single player campaign. The lock ensured I got kills every time. Needless to say, I didn't use it - it's a glitch, but I kept using the shotgun. But people complained that I was exploiting the glitch, even though I wasn't. As it turns out, one shot is all you need with that SOB, but it is terrrible at distances. Like 4-5 shots to even ding someone.

Anyway, they might patch it, they might not. I hope they do, so I can go back to using that gun without people giving me shit for exploiting. Even though I'm not. I'll stick with the SMG until they fix it.

Also, I wish the class-up system was more robust for online play. Just wish there was a little more in terms of guns/classes.