Quote Originally Posted by srsinternets View Post

Fallout 3 is definitely a great game. Although once I beat it, I kinda lost desire to start again and do all the quests I missed. The level cap is annoying too, but reasonable with the whole use of Perks and skill points. Otherwise within about 20 to 25 extra levels you'd be completely unstoppable, and have nearly every perk at your disposal. You'd think the level cap and inability to switch perks would fuel me to make another character, but it really doesn't for some reason. I tried making an all-melee character but after a while I just ended up maxing out my small guns and using that again anyways.
I heard tell that there is supposed to be a download out eventually that will raise the level cap to 30; dunno if that means there will be more perks as well or not.

I guess the replayability is supposed to come from taking a different moral approach and/or trying different character builds, but I'm not sure how likely I actually will be to do that once I finish it once.