The first movie isn't all that bad if you don't expect it to be like the game. That said, when I first saw it I was wondering why the only real similarity was the mansion itself and who the heck Alice was. Granted, some other elements were borrowed from the original PSX trilogy as well. Honestly, I enjoy the movies when I want something with mindless action and a nod towards the games. They are definitely not the worst video game-based movies to come out; along with Mortal Kombat I consider them at least tolerable action films, even if they don't do justice to the games they are based on.

RE2 was a great game in its own right, unfortunately, it was released just before I started to "outgrow" games. While the original game was released at a time when I could still waste the weekend away behind the TV, its sequels found me blazing through to beat the game without taking time to really appreciate them. I played RE2 and RE3 quite a bit, but between work and family I didn't get as into them. The same thing happened with Final Fantasy. I spent months playing VI after it came out in '94. Hearing that FFVII was going to PSX was the reason I wanted a Playstation prior to playing RE. By the time FFVII came out, though, my entire outlook on games had changed, leaving me still wondering how VII is better than VI.

Maybe I should go out and get the Gamecube remake and RE4 this week. After typing that last paragraph I realized that I could get in some prime RE time over the next few weekends and at least experience some great moments.