Ok this is just a very typical example of passive/active timewasting.

Video games are an active form of timewasting. You don't just turn your brain off while you're playing a video game, you have to think, make judgements and become involved in what you're doing to get anything rewarding out of the experience.

Movies are a passive form of timewasting. You sit there, you watch the movie and, sure, you might make judgements and have thoughts about the movie but really you're just being entertained by something made for your entertainment.

The plain and simple reason video games will never translate well to the medium of film is that they are simply not supposed to. They don't have the same raison d'etre. No one makes a video game with the intention of making it solely like a movie, you have to write a video game in a very specific way. Passive video games are universally terrible.

Similarly, no one has made a movie that gives you what a videogame does because a movie can not give you that active form of enjoyment.

It's a similar thing with the books into movies argument. Whilst books are also a passive form of entertainment, they are still much more active than movies because you are forced to imagine what you read in to detail in your head. Now because the human imagination is (generally speaking) much more elaborate than a movie will ever really be able to show, people will get pissed off at lame adaptations of books. Are they right to get so pissed off? Maybe somewhat because there have so far been exceptional movie adaptations of books so people see it as something that can be done. However, it should always be taken with a pinch of salt because it's so fucking hard to get right.

You just need a much bigger pinch of salt when it comes to movie adaptations of video games because it's pretty much fucking impossible to get right and, either way, a movie will never give you what the game gave you.

I could now get into a huge spiel about why it's incredibly easy for video games based on movies to be successful and brilliant but, honestly, if you can't figure that out for yourself then you're a complete retard.