That was probably 07, in 08 there has been 2 patches I think, the first pretty much did nothing and the second made it so strikers didnt shoot right at the keeper as much, however the 2nd patch introduced a new corner trick that is quite bad. Training still has very little effect and in the Spanish leagues, the reserve teams dont have a reserve league for some reason, so if you are a spanish team (like I was) your youngsters and reserve players wont play any games, hindering their development futher.

Also throw in the fact that some of the keepers are TOO good on that game, ive seen Ustari make a diving save at one post only to do the exact same save at the other post a split second later.

2008 IS buggy as hell, I am going to be optimistic and say that the lack of fixes for 08 will mean they are really working hard to make sure 09 will be perfect.