Quote Originally Posted by ShitFace View Post
what do you enjoy about it
There seems to be a lot less social limitations in the game, which is the primary reason I play MMO's in my extra free time. I like the combat, the commerce, and the game world.

Quote Originally Posted by sycld View Post
I'm actually curious to know what you enjoy about it too; I heard Eve was a pretty hardcore and time-intensive game.
It can be, if you make it so. The same can be said about just anything.. poker, for example. I feel as though Eve is a lot more friendly towards people with shit going on due to the way skills are trained. I imagine you can't advance to the farther reaches of the game by putting in an hour a day (titans/high end fleet/corp shit i guess, dunno), but there's still a lot more to do than in other MMO's imo.

Quote Originally Posted by raghead View Post
he actually plays <30 hours a day hes just tryin to save faesce
u mean >30 nerd