Quote Originally Posted by Mach 5 View Post
I reckon this will be boxed together with Portal 2, and HL:EP 3 in a new orange box style thing, either way I thought the first one was "meh" - ZOMBIES DO NOT RUN!
I reckon you're wrong on that first part. This is Valve we're talking about. They have barely said anything about Episode 3. The last I read they were still figuring out the story and giving each other piggy back rides than working on it. We would have heard something about a second Portal and Ep3 by now if it was coming out this year.

And for zombies running, depends on who you ask. It's true that the classic George Romero zombies don't run, but 28 Days Later zombies, or as I call them, new age zombies, run, if you call them zombies that is. And let's face it, L4D would not be intense if hordes of slow moving zombies were lumbering your way. Yeah it would be a blast to mow them all down with a assault rifle, but it wouldn't be blood pumping intense. IF you want classic zombies go play Dead Rising.