For those who play WoW, the new expansion is almost upon us. I haven't read too much about the instances in it, one thing I do remember seeing though was a video interview with one of the guys from Blizzard saying how the new instances will be designed so that players can log on for an hour, do an instance, log back out without it demanding too much of their time. I hope not all instances are like that.

Feel free to disagree but for me TBC instances had none of the charm or sense of adventure that the pre TBC had. Whilst it was good at times to simply follow basically a linear path through an instance with only a small number of bosses, not spending a great deal of time on the thing, I do like the style of many of the older instances where they are huge maze like beasts, lots of bosses that can easily take many hours to clear. I think they have a charm and sense of adventure to them that was ultimately lost in the last expansion.

I would like to see one or two instances in the new expansion styled like this. Where a new team goes in, not 100% sure what to expect, not right sure where to go, just heading for the mobs are and boom, thar be a boss, lets clear here and get him. Or saying "I think there is a boss if we go this way" instead of knowing that if you just follow the path they will come. Whilst short, more linear instances have their place, I really would like to see a throwback to many of the older instances, a 5 man place that could easily take anywhere from 3-5 hours to clear.

Does anyone else feel this way about instances?