Quote Originally Posted by sudo View Post
What's the world like? Is it reaaallly wide open like WoW (like you can walk from one side of the world to the other) or is it more like Age of Conan where a lot of the stuff you follow on a set path.
It's more linear, and I think it is that way partly to ensure that enemy players encounter each other a lot, since WAR is mainly Realm v Realm PvP game with a some light PvE added to it.

So what you'll find is that your leveling zones are right next to your enemy race's leveling zones, and there are a lot of places on the map where you'll come into direct conflict with your enemies.

Also, note that PvP in WAR is much more fun than PvP in WoW. I hated WoW PvP with a passion, but WAR PvP is just insane fun.