Quote Originally Posted by MNG View Post
After playing for a couple of days now since launch, I have a few comments...

It's fun, for sure, and has some nice alternatives to WoW... for example showing you exactly where to go for each quest, and the public quests are hella fun.

The problem, IMO, is it's buggy as hell... Every time I exit the game I have to ctrl+alt+delete and end the program, even then it takes 3-5 minutes to finally exit. Hella annoying.

I'm enjoying the Maurader class though, and the game has potential but really needs to be polished a ton. I'd suggest waiting a while if you want to try it, so they get some of the bugs worked out. There are way too many of them right now.
Wow, I just totally disagree with this.

I've encounter bugs, mostly graphical but some minor gameplay issues, especially since I'm a pet class and the pets have had some AI and pathing problems. However, no class is truly broken to the extent that it is unplayable, and the game as a whole is totally playable and totally fun.

And this isn't to mention how most MMOs have major bugs, class balancing issues, and whatnot on release. WAR, on the other hand, has some class balancing issues that definitely need attention and some relatively small bugs, but is totally and completely playable as well as a lot of fun.

Gamespot did a good video pre-review of the game : http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/warha...opslot;thumb;3