I think you do have a point Sole. However, I feel that the problem isn't exactly what you're saying, but rather that there is too much PvE focus during leveling, and it takes too long to get to the real meat of the game, namely the RvR warfare. It would have been better if leveling sort of funneled you into RvR right away instead of almost obscuring it until you hit the higher ranks. I think what they may have been striving for was a gentler introduction to the game (especially for those people coming from WoW).

But between zones there are great RvR battlegrounds (assuming they are populated), and the scenarios are awesome as well. The PvE content is good if you either don't have time for RvR, if you're waiting for your scenario to start, or if you feel like doing a PQ.

Oh right-- more PQs should have also had a RvR aspect to them, and they should have been a little more diverse.